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Our Story

Study Point Home Tutorial is an institute provides well experienced and result oriented teachers (Home Tutors) to teach students at student residence. Tutors are available for all classes like Nursury to Xth XI-XIIth (State board/CBSE/ICSE) , JEE,NEET, MHCET, BBA, BCA, BCCA, B.COM, B.SC, Engineering, Polytechnic, CPT, CS, MBA, MCA, English Speaking, Foreign Language, all competitive exams, olympiad and also for Tabla, Dance, Music,computer etc. Student do not need to go to classes, but can study at their residence which saves their valuable time. Student can get personal guidance from qualified tutor’s by one to one teaching at reasonable cost. . This facility is available in all areas of Nagpur And Online Classes in All Over World. More than 2500 Ladies / Gents teachers are registered withStudy Point Home Tutorial . Parents can have regular interaction with tutors for students progress updates.

Why Study Point Home Tutorial

Study Point Home tutorial is an institute provides well experienced and result oriented teachers (Home Tutors) to teach students at student residence. Tutors are available for all classes like Nursury to Xth XI-XIIth (State board/CBSE/ICSE) , JEE,NEET, MHCET, BBA, BCA, BCCA, B.COM, B.SC, Engineering, Polytechnic, CPT, CS, MBA, MCA, English Speaking, Foreign Language, all competitive exams, olympiad and also for Tabla, Dance, Music,computer etc. Student do not need to go to classes, but can study at their residence which saves their valuable time. Student can get personal guidance from qualified tutor’s by one to one teaching at reasonable cost. . This facility is available in all areas of Nagpur And Online Classes in All Over World. More than 1800 Ladies / Gents teachers are registered with Study Point Home Tutorial. Parents can have regular interaction with tutors for students progress updates.

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